Time   Track      Description

11:15  01   Qigu santong (Drumroll) And Bagua (Eight Trigrams)
4:17  02   Wannian hua (Eternal Flowers)
9:35  03   Shi gongyang (Ten Offerings)
7:02  04   Bubu jiao (Dainty Steps)
4:10  05   Shanpo yang (Sheep on the Hill)
5:39  06   Yuanshi (Primordial)
4:49  07   Dao chun lai (Spring has come)
5:22  08   Dao xia lai (Summer has come)
6:40  09   Qinghe laoren (Clear Stream and the Old Man)
4:05  10   Shoujing jie (Closing Ode)
2:38  11   Guqi (Folksong Melody)
3:06  12   Nzer-tso
2:54  13   Dadiao (Dance Tune)
Album Information
CSSCD 56025
    Category:   Regional:China
    Label:   Nimbus Records NI 5510
    FreeDB:   af10c80d
    Total Time:   1:11:32