Time   Track      Description

1:27  01   Thus saith my Cloris bright
3:33  02   Happy, o happy he, who not affecting
2:50  03   Ye that do live in pleasures plenty
4:18  04   Ah, cannot sighs, nor tears, nor aught else move thee
2:51  05   Stay, Corydon, thou swain
5:52  06   Draw on, sweet night, best friend unto those cares
2:04  07   Lady, your words do spite me
2:03  08   As fair as morn, as fresh as May
5:32  09   Weep, weep, mine eyes, my heart can take no rest
2:22  10   I always beg, yet am never relieved
2:23  11   Thus Love commands that I in vain complain me
4:00  12   Oft have I vowed how dearly I did love thee
3:04  13   Come, shepherd swain, that wont to hear me sing
2:27  14   The Lady Oriana
Album Information
CSSCD 600999
    Performer:   The Deller Consort
    Category:   Baroque:Wilbye
    Label:   Vanguard Classics
    FreeDB:   b60a860e
    Total Time:   44:46
    Year:   1957