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Assembly Programming Journal
- Assembly Programming Journal is an online magazine covering assembly language programming techniques. The magazine will come out in ASCII format (natch) every three months, and will contain code and articles for beginner, intermediate, and advanced asm progammers.
URL: http://asmjournal.freeservers.com/
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Assembly Language Tutorials
- Early computer systems were literally programmed by hand. Front panel switches were used to enter instructions and data. These switches represented the address, data and control lines of the computer system.
URL: http://goforit.unk.edu/asm/astart.htm
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x86 Assembly Language Webring
- This ring was created to provide a no-bull linking of websites available that have assembly language related content
URL: http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/thorie/asm/index.htm
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Assembly For Beginners
- This 'manual' was written quite some time ago and such, uses the DOS DEBUG as it's
choice of debugger since Softice was not then available. However, the techniques and
methods described within the 'manual' are still important.
URL: http://newdata.box.sk/neworder/cr/Cracking.html
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Art of Assembly Language Programming
- Newcomers to assembly language programming, especially those
with a high level language background, will want to read the Win32
edition of "The Art of Assembly Language Programming."
URL: http://webster.cs.ucr.edu/
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Programmer's Heaven x86 assembly link list
- about 20 links for programming resources in assembly
URL: http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone5/links/link58.htm