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Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
- This library at the University of Texas at Austin holds more than 230,000 maps covering every area of the world, and many are available online. There are also a huge number of external links for historical, weather, city, and country maps, as well as cartographic references and general maps.
URL: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Map_collection/map_sites/map_sites.html
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- nteractive mapping service that provides door-to-door driving directions for addresses in the United States, as well as detailed maps for the rest of the world.
URL: http://www.mapquest.com/
3. |
Tiger Map [US Census]
- An interactive point-and-click map server, based on U.S. Census data.
URL: http://tiger.census.gov/cgi-bin/mapbrowse-tbl
4. |
Color Landform Atlas of the United States
- Includes PostScript maps.
URL: http://fermi.jhuapl.edu/states
5. |
Guide to Geography [About.com]
- Resources include online world atlas, weekly articles about geography, annotated links to hundreds of sites, weekly quizzes, etc.
URL: http://geography.about.com/education/geography/
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National Geographic
URL: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/maps
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- Atlapedia Online contains full color physical and political maps as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world.
URL: http://www.atlapedia.com
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World Atlas
- These maps are provided by MCCIS, a "Military Maritime Command and Control System which has been developed and maintained for members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)." Maps of continents, individual countries, more.
URL: http://cliffie.nosc.mil/~NATLAS/index.html
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- As a whole, the site is an excellent and easy-to-use resource for current awareness and basic reference information, especially for the smaller nations outside of Europe and the Americas.
URL: http://www.worldskip.com
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CIA World Factbook
- Data are available for more than 260 countries. For each country, map and flag, geographic, population, government, economic, communication, transportation, military, and transnational issue information is provided for the latest date available.
URL: http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/
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¬3D Atlas Online
- This site provides color topographic maps of the terrain of all 50 states, plus satellite images, county maps, and maps of some states in 1895. By Ray Sterner at Johns Hopkins.
URL: http://www.3datlas.com/f_main_top.html
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World Flags
- World flags with 3D animated GIFS available. Short descriptions about the countries.
URL: http://www.3dflags.com/world_FtoL.html
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United Nations Atlas of the Oceans
- The Atlas is an information system designed for use by
policy makers who need to become familiar with ocean issues and by scientists, students and resource managers
who need access to underlying data bases and approaches to sustainability.
URL: http://www.oceansatlas.org