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Inkscape Tips
- This tutorial will demonstrate various tips and tricks that users have learned through the use of Inkscape and some “hidden” features that can help you speed up production tasks.
URL: http://www.inkscape.org/doc/tips/tutorial-tips.html
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Inkscape Tutorials @Worldpress
URL: http://inkscapetutorials.wordpress.com/2007/06/
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Guide to all of Inkscape's features
- Book about Inkscape
URL: http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE
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Inkscape for Illustrator users
- With Inkscape an artist can create most of the same illustrations that can be made with Adobe Illustrator. However, many of the functions and tools that the two applications share are used in different ways, with different names, shortcuts, and approaches.
URL: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Inkscape_for_Adobe_Illustrator_users