1. |
OPENSTEP/Mach 4.2 in Sun VirtualBox 2.2.x
URL: http://return42.blogspot.com/2009/04/openstepmach-42-in-sun-virtualbox-22x.html
2. |
Installation of OpenStep 4.2 in VMware 3.0 and VirtualBox
- Version 1.12 - Oct 30th, 2009
Laurent Julliard
URL: http://www.moldus.org/~laurent/GNUstep/OS42_Install.html
3. |
OPENSTEP Boot and Driver Disk Images [alternate] [OpenStep 4.2 patches]
- Boot disks for OpenStep.
URL: http://support.apple.com/kb/TA45687?viewlocale=en_US
4. |
- 12/20/2009
Welcome to the NeXT world! We're a group of NeXT fanatics who have gotten together to host a NeXT related Web site. If you're a former NeXT employee we'd like to hear from you. We're looking for information and pictures of NeXT projects such as the NeXT 40MHz Nitro accelerator, the NeXT RISC workstation, etc.
URL: http://www.nextcomputers.org/
5. |
OPENSTEP 4.2 Patch 4 Overview
- This document contains an overview and download information for Apple's Patch 4 for OPENSTEP 4.2 for Mach and OPENSTEP Enterprise 4.2. This patch set includes fixes that address the Year 2000 compliance issue (century rollover).
URL: http://support.apple.com/kb/TA45410?viewlocale=en_US
6. |
Virtual NextStep/OpenStep installation notes
URL: https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://www.nextcomputers.org/docs/FAQ-OpenStepOnEmulators.pdf
7. |
Network notes for Openstep
- 1. Login as or su to root
2. Create/Edit the file /etc/resolv.conf
Example for blowme.edu
kimba:4# more /etc/resolv.conf
#insert local nameservers here
hostresorder local bind
#The above line tells nslookup to first consult /etc/hosts, netinfo, then use one of the
#nameservers below for name-IP address translation.
domain blowme.edu
#The above line just tells the machine what domain it is within for various purposes.
URL: http://www.robotvision2.com/OpenStep/Network/OpenStepNetwork.html