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PCL - The Pilot Class Library
- The Pilot Class Library (PCL) is designed to easily create UI applications on the PalmPilot using G++
(the GNU C++).
URL: http://home.t-online.de/home/johler/pl_main.html
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Pilot stuff from the ISAAC Group
- Various GNU programming stuff for Palm Pilot.
URL: http://www.isaac.cs.berkeley.edu/pilot/
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PRC-Tools Tutorial [download] [text2hex]
URL: http://tangentsoft.net/palmfaq/articles/tutorial/
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C/C++ Portability guide for the Palm OS
- Most Palm programs today are written in C, because C is ideally suited to programs that must be small
and fast, essential attributes for a Palm program. Palm programming also involves GUI development, a
particular strength of C++.
URL: http://tangentsoft.net/palmfaq/articles/stdlib.html