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ASPN Python Cookbook [tutorial]
- The Python Cookbook is a repository for user-contributed Python recipes, all of which are reviewed by the
Cookbook editor, David Ascher. The code in the Python Cookbook is freely available for review and use
by all, as it is covered by the same license as Python.
URL: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Python
Dive Into Python
- This book is not for newbies, for wimps, or For Dummies™. It assumes a lot about you: You know at least one real object-oriented language, like Java, C++, or Delphi. You know at least one scripting language, like Perl, Visual Basic, or JavaScript.
URL: http://www.andamooka.org/reader.pl?section=divein
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Daily Python URL
- A list of daily Python programming language URLs.
URL: http://www.pythonware.com/daily/
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- Official website for the Python language.
URL: http://www.python.org/
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Guido Van Rossum's Home Page
- Guido Van Rossum's home page with articles, interviews, essays and philosophy of Python.
URL: http://www.python.org/~guido
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Java Python
- Python copiled into Java P-code.
URL: http://www.jpython.org
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- The Zope pages with Python-based persisten CGI, akin to ASP.
URL: http://www.zope.org
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Python SQL
- An SQL-based relational database implemented entirely in Python.
URL: http://www.chordate.com/gadfly.html
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PyQt/PyKDE: Python Bindings for Qt and KDE
- PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt toolkit. The bindings are implemented as a single Python module qt. They support Qt versions 1.42 to 2.3.0 and Python versions 1.5 to 2.1.
URL: http://www.thekompany.com/projects/pykde/index.php3?dhtml_ok=0
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Bay Piggies
- Bay Area Python interest group with code samples and a tutorial.
URL: http://www.baypiggies.org
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Instant Hacking [Instant Python]
- A short introduction to the art of programming, with examples written in the programming language Python. (If you already know how to program, but want a short intro to Python, you may want to check out my article Instant Python
URL: http://hetland.org/writing/instant-hacking.html