1. |
Baltimore City Homepage [FAQ]
- Government information about Baltimore, including crime map.
URL: http://www.ci.baltimore.md.us/
2. |
Baltimore College Town Network
- Links to interesting sites and events, etc. in Baltimore.
URL: http://www.colltown.org/
3. |
Off-campus links for JHU
- Useful links for Baltimore.
URL: http://www.jhu.edu/~hds/offcampus/links/links.htm
4. |
What to do in Baltimore
- In an effort to help grad students at Hopkins have lives, we've compiled a list of things to do around here! If you have any suggestions for sites to add, please drop us an e-mail at the bottom of the page. Thanks!
URL: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/gsa/balmer.html
5. |
Baltimore Central Library
- 400 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
URL: http://www.epfl.net/branches/cen/
6. |
CityPaper Online [eat] [classified]
- Baltimore's free alternative electonic weekley.
URL: http://www.citypaper.com/current/index.html
7. |
Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts [calendar of events] [web links]
- Your source for Baltimore events and cultural activities.
URL: http://www.bop.org
8. |
Go Downtown Baltimore
- Downtown partnership of Baltimore is a dynamic, non-profit
corporation dedicated to making Baltimore a great place to
live, work and play.
URL: http://www.godowntownbaltimore.com/
9. |
A Quick (and Dirty) Guide to Baltimore (1996)
- So you want to go somewhere away from the Medical School campus, either for fun or to run errands... We can't reprint the
Yellow Pages, but here are some suggestions! The best source for local happenings is the City Paper, which comes out every
Wednesday. Also, check out the GSA Web site for links to local events. All phone numbers are area code 410 unless
otherwise noted.
URL: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/gsa/guide.html
10. |
Yahoo Directory for Baltimore
- Business and Shopping (1182)
Community (273)
Education (409)
Employment (7)
Entertainment and Arts (305)
Health (153)
News and Media (43)
Real Estate (63)
Recreation and Sports (131)
Travel and Transportation (84)
URL: http://dir.yahoo.com/Regional/U_S__States/Maryland/Cities/Baltimore/
11. |
Hey Hon
- Resources, goods and services around Baltimore.
URL: http://www.heyhon.com/
12. |
Baltimore Hon
- Lexicon of Bawlamarese
(How to co-moon-icate wiff the natives)
copyright 1996 Thom LaCosta.
URL: http://www.baltimorehon.com/