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Henon Map Correlation Dimension [J. C. Sprott]
- The Henon map is a prototypical 2-D invertible iterated map with chaotic solutions proposed by the French astronomer Michel Henon (M. Henon, Commun. Math. Phys. Phys. 50, 69-77 (1976)) as a simplified model of the Poincare map for the Lorenz model:
URL: http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/chaos/henongp.htm
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My Adventures in Chaotic Time Series Analysis [Eric R. Weeks]
- This is a side project of mine, learning more about chaotic time series analysis. My motivation is that I have some time series from my experiment which I would like to analyze. I think some of them are chaotic, whereas others are clearly periodic.
URL: http://glinda.lrsm.upenn.edu/~weeks/research/tseries1.html#henon
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Various Time Series [Eric A. Wan ]
- Mackey-Glass, Henon, Ikeda, Lorenz, and Sunspot series.
URL: http://www.ece.ogi.edu/~ericwan/data.html
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Ikeda Map
- Matlab function for the Ikeda Map.
URL: http://www.ece.ogi.edu/~ericwan/DATA/ikeda.m