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Audio Recording of Xiao bai cai [Nature Magazine]
- This melody was performed on one of the earliest known flutes from China, c. 9000 B.C. referenced in Nature, vol 401 (23 Sept 1999), pp. 366-368.
URL: http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/CCRMA/Courses/220a/Flute7.wav
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Lost and Found Sound
- A national public radio collaboration celebrating a century of recorded sound.
URL: http://www.npr.org/programs/lnfsound/
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Partners in Rhyme
URL: http://www.partnersinrhyme.com/
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Answering Machine Follies
- Are you still using the default message that was supplied with your telephone answering machine? Then drop by The Answering Machine for what it says is the largest collection of answering machine messages available anywhere. Or just browse around. Free to download.
URL: http://www.answeringmachine.co.uk
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Film Sound Terminology
- Terminology related to sound, as well as articles about film sound theory.
URL: http://hem.passagen.se/filmljud/filmsound.htm
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Daily Wave
- Daily soundbytes. Examples: April 8, 1999 - "E.T. phone home." [E.T. from E.T.]
URL: http://www.dailywav.com/
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MaximumD Online
- WAVE file sound effects and plus from movie/tv/commercials.
URL: http://www.maximumdonline.com/
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Yahoo WAVE archive listings
- Links to about 20 website that have WAVE file archives.
URL: http://dir.yahoo.com/Computers_and_Internet/Multimedia/Audio/Archives/WAV/
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Wave This
- Archive of sound files in wav format.
URL: http://www.wavthis.com/
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British Library Sound Archives
- Information about the British Libraries sound archives.
URL: http://minos.bl.uk/collections/sound-archive/
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- The cylinder records are either shipped to me in small batches (see packing guidelines, below), or for larger collections, if arrangements can be made, I can work on-site.
URL: http://www.tinfoil.com/sounds.htm
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Judge Judy Soundboard
- Sounds of Judge Judy from her court show on TV.
Using Macromedia Flash 7.
URL: http://www.2flashgames.com/f/f-567.htm