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Music Notation Resources
- Includes links to: Common Music Notation, Csound, DARMS, Finale, Humdrum, Score, SMDL, SMX.
URL: http://www.gst.net/~flubble/notation.html
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Notation and the Computer [auf Deutsch] [in English]
- Common music notation and computers: SMDL, NIFF, DARMS, GUIDO, abc, MusiXML
URL: http://www.s-line.de/homepages/gerd_castan/compmus/index_e.html
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Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes [CCARH]
- The purpose of Beyond MIDI is to provide a general description, with encoded examples, of numerous ways of representing music in the computer.
URL: http://www.ccarh.org/publications/books/beyondmidi
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Mockingbird [Logical representation] [en françlaais]
- John Maxwell, the co-developer of the interactive Mockingbird music-editing system (c.1983), gives an overview of the problems of representing music for notation.
URL: http://www.liafa.jussieu.fr/~bouzaien/debut4.html
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abc Musical Notation Language [Chris Walshaw]
- abc is a language designed to notate tunes in an ASCII format. It was designed primarily for folk and traditional tunes of Western European origin (such as English, Irish and Scottish) which can be written on one stave in standard classical notation. [ software | musical data]
URL: http://www.gre.ac.uk/~c.walshaw/abc/
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Musical Notation (online article from Encyclopedia Brittanica
- An easily available overview of notation from the Middle Ages to the present, with basic descriptions of neumes, mensural notation, common musical notation, recent notations, and related topics.
URL: http://www.britannica.com/bcom/eb/article/4/0,5716,118774+6+110127,00.html