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Humdrum Main Page
- Humdrum is a set of general-purpose software tools intended to assist music researchers in posing and answering research questions.
URL: http://dactyl.som.ohio-state.edu/Humdrum/
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Musical Animation Machine
- Stephen Malinowski's scrolling "piano-roll" scores permit color-coding of parts, musical features, pitch-classes, and other elements of music.
URL: http://www.well.com/user/smalin/circle.html
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Melodic Matching Techniques (Alexandra Uitdenbogerd and Justin Zobel)
- An overview of melodic matching techniques from the perspective of computer science and artificial intelligence. Proposes a three-stage approach. Tests based on MIDI data.
URL: http://woodworm.cs.uml.edu/~rprice/ep/uitdenbogerd/
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Fugal analysis
- Color-coded display of MIDI representations of Bach fugues, designed to show phrase segmentation and subject recognition.
URL: http://leon.cs.uni-bonn.de/forschungprojekte/midilib/english/fugendemo.html
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Form and analysis [Tim Smith] [Northern Arizona University]
- Graduate Course in Analysis Offered on the World-Wide Web. Contains an interesting animated analysis of the opening of Schoenberg's Op.11 No.1 .
URL: http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~tas3/smt.html
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String-Matching for Melodic Comparison [H. Goeman, M. Clausen, F. Kurth] ["Skyline" algorithm]
- This approach pads longer temporal values to facilitate comparison by the shortest duration present. See also the same authors' work on the visual display of melodic information extracted from polyphonic MIDI files ["Skyline" algorithm].
URL: http://leon.cs.uni-bonn.de/forschungprojekte/midilib/english/notes2lcs.html