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Open Directory Spanish Dictionaries
- Open Directory list of links to Spanish dictionaries.
URL: http://directory.google.com/Top/Reference/Dictionaries/Language/S/Spanish/
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Diccionario Anaya de la Lengua [¬Spanish/English]
- Con este diccionario, absolutamente actualizado, puedes consultar en tiempo real cualquier duda o ampliar tu información sobre la lengua española a través de 33.000 voces y otros 3.000 términos fácilmente deducibles.
URL: http://www.anaya.es/diccionario/diccionar.htm
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Golden Age of Spanish Sonnets
- Created and maintained by Alix Ingber, Professor of Spanish at Sweet Briar College, this site hosts 107 Golden Age (Sixteenth Century) Spanish sonnets and English translations.
URL: http://sonnets.spanish.sbc.edu/