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Berkeley Geologic Timescale
- List of various eras.
URL: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/help/timeform.html
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Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science [exhibits]
- This affiliate of the Russian Academy of Sciences has more paleontologists under one roof than any other institution in the world. They have collections from all over the former Soviet Union and the world and researchers studying such diverse questions as the origin of life, dinosaurs from Mongolia, and mammals from cave faunas in Georgia.
URL: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/pin/pin.html
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Introduction to the Vendian Period [localities] [animals]
- 650 to 544 Million Years Ago.
URL: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/vendian/vendian.html
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Bacteria Fossil Record
- It may seem surprising that bacteria can leave fossils at all. However, one particular group of bacteria, the cyanobacteria or "blue-green algae," have left a fossil record that extends far back into the Precambrian - the oldest cyanobacteria-like fossils known are nearly 3.5 billion years old, among the oldest fossils currently known.
URL: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/bacteria/bacteriafr.html
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Yahoo recent news on dinosaurs and fossils
- Plus related websites.
URL: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/Science/Dinosaur_and_Fossil_Discoveries/