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Rob's wURLd Best of the Web [archive] [new]
- An email newsletter, every few days reviewing about 25 unique, entertaining and informational Web sites.
URL: http://RobswURLd.listbot.com
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¬Dr. Matrix Award
- The Dr. Matrix Award for Science Excellence on the World-Wide Web is presented to those sites which serve an active scientific curiosity. Recipients are distinguished by the quality of their content alone. A flashy Web site will not receive this award if its content lacks interest and integrity.
URL: http://www.scientium.com/drmatrix/award.htm
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World Best Websites
- ???
URL: http://www.worldbestwebsites.com/
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- Search from over 110,000 quality educational resources
URL: http://www.educationplanet.com/
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Argus Clearinghouse
- "The internet's priemere research library: A selective collection of topical guides"
URL: http://www.clearinghouse.net
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50 Best of the Web [Popular Science]
- We've selected sites that cover a broad range of topics, from spiral galaxies to an electronics treasure trove. Not only do these sites provide a wealth of information, they enliven it with interactive games, video clips, animations, and breathtaking pictures.
URL: http://www.popsci.com/features/bow00/