HTML Form Tags Examples [Merchant's Encyclopedia of HTML]
- Description of the various form tags with examples.
URL: http://www.mountaindragon.com/html/forms.htm
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HTML 4.0 Elements [Web Design Group] [organizational list]
- A complete listing of HTML 4.0 elements sorted alphabetically.
URL: http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/alist.html
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The Bare Bones Guide to HTML
URL: http://werbach.com/barebones/download.html
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Dynamic HTML
URL: http://www.dhtmlzone.com
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Sunah's Webdemo
- This website solves the problem by documenting the features of all levels of HTML defined by W3C and describing how they fit into the current standard. The site includes an introduction to HTML, the technical details of Level 0, 1, 2, and 3, and demos.
URL: http://pobox.com/~sunah
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Restricting access using robots.txt
- You can use a special file called robots.txt to protect directories and files in your website from being indexed by search engines and other web crawlers.
URL: http://www.interferenza.net/support/articles/spiders.shtml
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Diacritic decoration
- Adds random diacriticals to regular ASCII text:
Ţĥẻ q̃ǖįĉk̉ b́r̃ŏw̉ñ f̃ỡx̀ j̀ųm̃p̉s̃ ỏv́ĕr̀ t̉ħè l̉ãz̉ỹ ďơg̀.
URL: http://www.mcgees.org/cgi-bin/decorate.cgi
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Ultimate Cool Characters
- Lots of HTML codes for characters with diacritical marks, math symbols, etc.
URL: http://www.theworldofstuff.com/characters/