Time |
Track |
Description |
33:31 | | | Pierrot Lunaire by Arnold Schoenberg |
9:02 | |
01 | |
Part I
- Mondestrunken (Moondrunk)
- Colombine
- Der Dandy (The Dandy)
- Eine blasse Wäscherin (A Pale Laundress)
- Valse de Chopin (A Chopin Waltz)
- Madonna
- Der kranke Mond (The Ailing Moon)
13:02 | |
02 | |
Part II
- Nacht (Night)
- Gebet an Pierrot (Plea to Pierrot)
- Raub (Plunder)
- Rote Messe (Red Mass)
- Galgenlied (Song of the Hangman)
- Enthauptung (Decapitation)
- Die Kreuze (At the Cross)
11:27 | |
03 | |
Part III
- Heimweh (Homesickness)
- Gemeinheit! (What a Mean Trick!)
- Parodie (Parody)
- Der Mondfleck (A Speck of Moonlight)
- Serenade
- Heimfahrt (The Journy Home)
- O alter Duft (O Ancient Fragrance)
6:02 | | | Concert, Op. 24 by Anton Webern |
2:21 | |
04 | |
1. Etwas lebhaft
2:27 | |
05 | |
2. Sehr langsam
1:14 | |
06 | |
3. Sehr rasch