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Quick guide to Mandelbrot and Julia sets
- This guide assumes your primary interest in the M-set is as an explorer, and that you have a fractal-drawing program such as Fractint and know how to zoom with it. (If you are looking for a fractal-generating program click here. If you do not know how to bring up an image of the M-set and zoom into it read the program's documentation.)
URL: http://www.iprimus.ca/~derbyshire/manguide.html
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Mandelbrot SCI-FAQ
- Lots of questions and answers about the Mandelbrot set.
URL: http://fractals.iuta.u-bordeaux.fr/sci-faq/mandelbrot.html
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Mandelbrot Calculations
- Calculation discussion and optimizations which are possible to do.
URL: http://www.students.tut.fi/~warp/Mandelbrot/
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interactive web mandelbrot viewer
URL: http://www.reesbevan.freeserve.co.uk/fractal.htm