1. |
CNet Download for Palm Pilot software
- Most popular, most recent, most talked about.
URL: http://download.cnet.com/downloads/0-10119.html?tag=st.dl.10002.dir.10119
2. |
ZDnet Plam Pilot software [favorites]
- Mostly demos of software you can buy.
URL: http://www.palmpilotfiles.com/
3. |
View PowerPoint Files with Slideshow to Go
- DataViz has released Documents to Go 4.0 Professional. This new version includes Slideshow To Go, which allows users to view, but not edit, PowerPoint slideshows on their Palms. It also adds SD card support and improved spreadsheet functionality. Of course, it allows users to create, view, and edit Word and Excel documents
URL: http://www.palminfocenter.com/view_Story.asp?ID=2192
4. |
Benchmark 2.0 by Quartus
- Benchmark 2.0 measures your Palm or Visor's CPU speed and bus bandwidth utilization, and shows how your device measures up relative to other models -- and it does so quite accurately.
URL: http://www.quartus.net/products/benchmark/
5. |
Stanford Pilot User Group
- hyperlinks to palm pilot websites.
URL: http://www.rahul.net/flasheridn/spug/
6. |
Freeware Palm
- Applications sorted by subject. Lots of cookies and advertising
on the site. Wide selection of classical applications.
URL: http://freewarepalm.com/
7. |
- PalmPilot Apps, emphasis on newer programs.
URL: http://www.eurocool.com/
8. |
Palm OpenSource
- Programs with source code available for PalmPilots.
URL: http://www.palmopensource.com/
9. |
Palm Gear
- German-Russian dictionary. Sequoia music sequencer.
Programs for buying.
URL: http://palmgear.com/
10. |
Weasel Reader
- Weasel is document reader for the Palm Pilot organizers. Weasel is Free
Software released under the GNU General Public License v2. Unlike
other doc viewers for the Palm, Weasel uses zTXT files as its primary
format. These are similar in many ways to the de facto standard format,
PalmDoc, but they feature much better compression. Weasel also reads
PalmDoc files, though, so don't worry.
URL: http://gutenpalm.sourceforge.net/about.php
11. |
Palm Applications QuickStart
- This page started as an attempt to
help give a few friends a quick
introduction into the wonderful
world of third-party Palm software,
arranged in some sort of
meaningful, semi-coherent,
hierarchy... it, uh, well, it sorta got
out of hand... so, um, happy
reading :-)
URL: http://www-no.ucsd.edu/~carl/p3quick.html
12. |
PalmOs 3.5 Programming
- Programs needed:
1. CygWin
2. PilRC
3. PRC-tool
4. Palm SDK 3.5
5. Emulator
6. Debugger
It is really necessary to respect the package order installation!
URL: http://www.multimania.com/pbriol/palmos/gcc.html
13. |
PalmPrint [manual] [download page]
- Serial and infrared printing for your Palm Connected
URL: http://www.stevenscreek.com/palm/palmprint.shtml
14. |
- Function plotter for
the Palm Pilot, newer versions in color.
URL: http://www.codealchemy.de/
15. |
Evolutionary Dictionary [guide]
- Dictionary is a language translation and definition program for PalmOS and WinCE handheld computers. It
is simple to use and very fast.
URL: http://www.evolutionary.net/dict-info.htm