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Palo Alto online movies
- List of movies showing in the Palo Alto area with ratings and video previews.
URL: http://www.PaloAltoOnline.com/paw/paonline/movies/
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The Internet Movie Database
URL: http://us.imdb.com/
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AFI's 100 Years 100 Laughs
- the American Film Institute (AFI) revealed its list of the 100 funniest movies as chosen by "leaders of the entertainment community" from a list of 500 nominated movies. At this site, users can view both the top 100 list and the 500 nominated films.
URL: http://www.afionline.org/100laughs
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- Created to help film students show their work, this site offers users the opportunity to view and comment on the work of tomorrow's auteurs. Presented in QuickTime format, the films are grouped in five categories: 3D Computer, Live Action, Stop Motion, Traditional, and Experimental.
URL: http://www.studentreel.com
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- While it's not yet a sure thing that "someday we'll all watch movies this way," users with a fast connection can get a peek into the possible future of online movie viewing at this site. Movieflix.com offers a large number of movies, in their entirety, for free in RealPlayer format.
URL: http://www.movieflix.com
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Yahoo Movie Shorts
- directory and search engine for online short films. Drawing from some of the leading online movie sites, including Ifilm, AtomFilms, and Icebox, the site may be browsed by genre or searched by keyword.
URL: http://movies.yahoo.com/shorts/