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A brief intro to copyright [Brad Templeton]
- This document is here because many people read my original article on copyright myths without knowing very much about what copyright is to begin with. This article is not about to teach you all about copyright, though there are some decent sites out there with lots of details.
URL: http://www.templetons.com/brad/copyright.html
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10 Big Myths about copyright explained [Brad Templeton ]
- Note that this is an essay about copyright myths. It assumes you know at least what copyright is -- basically the legal exclusive right of the author of a creative work to control the copying of that work.
URL: http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html
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When works pass into the public domain
- Historic copyright table giving length of the copyright.
URL: http://www.unc.edu/~unclng/public-d.htm
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- iParadigms is a pioneer in the rapidly expanding field of digital
information tracking. The Internet, though an invaluable resource
for services and information, is unfortunately also an unparalled
environment for all varieties of intellectual property theft. We have
developed a suite of advanced tracking tools to combat the piracy
of intellectual property in the digital millennium.
URL: http://www.iparadigms.com/
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Understand Copyright Basics
- Just about everything on the
Web is protected by copyright
law. That includes images,
music, page content, and
multimedia. It's important to
understand how copyright
affects the content you put on
your site and the way you link
to other sites. With copyright
law, what you don't know can hurt you!
URL: http://www.netmechanic.com/news/vol5/beginner_no22.htm