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Ahoy! The Homepage Finder
- Searches for people homepages and e-mail addresses.
URL: http://ahoy.cs.washington.edu:6060/
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Craig Stuart Sapp
URL: http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~craig
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Paul Bourke
- Paul Bourke's personal pages are a veritable gold mine of intros, references, explanations and code segments for various facets of computer graphics, signal processing, mathematics and all sorts of things.
URL: http://www.swin.edu.au/astronomy/pbourke/
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Bret Aarden
URL: http://dactyl.som.ohio-state.edu/~aarden/
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David Huron
URL: http://dactyl.som.ohio-state.edu/Huron/Huron.html
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Thomas Driemeyer
- bicycle repair and maintenance guide/WWW Shield is a freely programmable rule-based HTTP proxy that can remove banner ads, images, cookies, and other invasive or annoying things in web pages.
URL: http://me.in-berlin.de/~bitrot/index.html